Sunday, October 25, 2015

Supergirl Hero or Sex Appeal

Supergirl Hero or Sex Appeal 

With the mass success of all the Comicbook movies and Television shows CBS decided to jump into the game with a new comic book adaptation "Supergirl". The best part of this show is its from the creative force which brought you "The Flash" and "Arrow" on the CW, with the success of their two shows I have faith they will put together another great show. Will CBS allow it to have the success it deserves, well that is another question all together. 

With the fear of a slow start on a major network and the knowledge that CBS has a quick hook with troubled shows we have to ask, was Supergirl the correct comic book to pull from? It seems over the years "Supergirl" has become over sexualized, and as a example a popular Costume for cosplay. So is Supergirl a real comic book, does it really give empowerment to women and girls or is it made for for  young boys and men to enjoy the art work? Everything from the costume to how the characters have been drawn, it seems the content is more about Sex and less about the hero and her adventures. Even when i googled Supergirl in order to find a picture for the article, obviously I wanted to something to portray the point I was trying to make, I saw what many people really thought of the character Kara Zor-El. 

I know I am excited for the show and I love the concept, I just hope that we have advanced in Society far enough to realized that we don't necessarily need sex appeal to enjoy. 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

What To Expect For Comicbook Television In 2015

It's fall of 2015 and this is the season of Comic book television, judging by the increase popularity of Comic-con's and Cosplay this will make a lot of fans happy. Theres is so much to look forward to and with the first post in the Nerd Zone we will take you through all that there is to offer this Season. This will be a multiple post entry so stay tune.

Season 4

Season 4 Return's 6 months after we see Oliver and Felicity drive off in the Sunset. This season will see Oliver return but no longer fighting crime as the "Arrow" but now has taken the name "Green Arrow" (Nerd Moment for all us Comic Book lovers) What can we expect from this season? Well prediction say we will see a more lighter tone, after season 3's disappointing depressed tone this will be a much needed breathe of fresh air. Obviously we will get the Flash crossover episode, we will see the return of the Canary, the surprise cross over with Constantine, and the return of Ray Palmer Aka The Atom. All this as Team Arrow battles Damian Darhk and his army of Ghost.

"The Flash"
Season 2

Flash Returns for a Second Season 6 months from the events of the Singularity which has caused multiple rips between Multiple Universes. This rips introduces us to Zoom, considered to be the Fasted Man in the Universe. His goal will be to kill The Flash. What can we expect? Well we get the usual Arrow cross over. We should be introduced to Hawk Girl, We will be re introduce to Harrison Wells, and finally meet The Flash from Earth-2

"Legends of Tomorrow"
Season 1

The first season of Legends of Tomorrow, the ultimate crossover between Flash and Arrow. What can we expect? Well its seems like we will get Time travel, This will play a major role and is the main reason we will be introduced to Rip Hunter. But what gets the nerd blood moving is the fact that we will have The White Canary aka Sara Lance, Hawkgirl, Firestorm, The Atom, and Heatwave and Captain Cold. Seriously, we will get 16 episode of the best villain duo in Captain Cold and Heatwave. It doesn't  get any better than that.

Season 1

The Origin Story of Superman's cousin Kara Zor-El. This season will be all about Supergirl finding herself and how to use her powers for good. Since this is being created by the same team that has brought us Arrow and Flash so we can expect a great show. Hopefully being on CBS won't be to much pressure for a show like this to handle. Rating will play a huge part in the show and if all things fail we may get to see a little crossover between Flash and Arrow. 

This is just a little taste of what is to come this season of Comicbook television. The popularity of Flash should continue to grow while Arrow should stay pretty steady through out the year. Obviously we have some newbies but since the creator of both "Legends of Tomorrow" and Supergirl is the same as Arrow and Flash we should expect great things.